Thursday 26 May 2016


 The Most Beautiful Moment in Life: Young Forever

I recreated an album cover for the Kpop group BTS and their third album in the 'The Most Beautiful Moment in Life' series called 'Young Forever'. I actually had created 3 album covers, with a full pink butterfly cover for part one and a full blue butterfly cover for the second part. I decided to have half of the pink and half of the blue butterflies to create the third part, creating a new butterfly with with familiar parts. This symbolises how this third album connects with the previous two albums, as it has some reedited songs from part one (‘I need you’ and ‘Love is not over’) and part two (‘Butterfly’ and ‘House of Cards’) which help in creating this third album. It also symbolises how there are new songs (represented by the new mixed butterfly) but the sound is still familiar (BTS style from previous albums) as well as the concept of the beauty of youth, love and life in general, which is still present in the songs.
I used a butterfly as the main image as it is a representation of beauty, freedom, and a spirit of being carefree, flying through life. The butterfly and the concept behind it helps to visualise ‘the most beautiful moment in life’.
The original cover for the first album is pale pink and the original cover for the second album is pale blue, therefore i stuck with this pink and blue for my album cover. I wanted the colours to pop more so i used brighter shades of pink and blue. I also made the background black in order to make the colours stand out more. Using a black background also gave a clean look. I wanted to have the butterfly look like it is being preserved, hence the white square border creating a frame. The preserved butterfly symbolises how you want to save and treasure memorable moments in life that make living beautiful. Capturing a butterfly and preserving it prevents rotting and aging and so you could say that the beauty of the butterfly will last forever. Referring back to the title of the album, the butterfly will be ‘young forever’. The songs can also be timeless, and can act as a beautiful moment in time.
I created the butterfly in Photoshop, using a low poly effect to give it a pixelated look. I wanted to have the butterfly made from a lot of segments to symbolise that life has more than one beautiful moment, or that more than one thing can contribute in making a beautiful moment in life. I google searched and selected the butterflies i wanted to use and opened them up in Photoshop. I then drew a variety of sizes of triangles with the polygonal lasso tool on top of the butterfly image. After creating each triangle, i added a blur-average filter which filled the triangle with the average solid colour. There are little cracks and imperfections in between these triangles that i wanted to keep to show that sometimes it’s the failures, sorrows and pains that we go through that help in creating beautiful moments in life. In this album there are songs about lost love and fear of the unknown which link to this concept.
I also added a 3 outside the ‘The Most Beautiful Moment in Life’ logo (the square with Korean writing) and wrote with the text box under it ‘Young Forever’. I added the BTS logo and made sure both the title, butterfly and BTS logo were all centred. This composition looks well balanced and adds to creating the ‘clean’ look.

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